Asbestos Testing Services
Asbestos has been used commonly in everyday products including homes, schools, buildings, and industrial locations due to its fiber strength and heat resistant properties. However, when asbestos-containing materials are damaged, the inhalation of asbestos fibers can cause serious illnesses such as lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis. This is the main reason, looking for Asbestos testing services is one of the key decisions to make. You need to search for the right professionals, who have expertise and knowledge enough in providing you precise asbestos testing services.
If you are one of them looking for Asbestos testing services, you have come at the right place. We follow all safety guidelines and international standards for the duration of offering you precise asbestos testing services.
In order to improve the health and safety of the general public, many countries have banned the use of asbestos in repair, renovation and refurbishment activities. The extraction, manufacture and processing of asbestos products are also banned. Asbestos may also be found in specific materials used in industries such as construction, shipbuilding, chemical and automobiles.
Connect with us for Asbestos Testing Services and call us: (+65) 8727 0782